Banding together for Peaceful Social Justice for all people.

Archive for June 9, 2019

Los Angeles Times: Gun owners stockpile ammo before new California background check law begins

Los Angeles Times: Gun owners stockpile ammo before new California background check law begins.

NBC News: Dem, GOP senators want to check Trump’s power to sell arms to Saudis

NBC News: Dem, GOP senators want to check Trump’s power to sell arms to Saudis.

HuffPost: Ex-Labor Secretary Issues Warning About Economy: ‘Recoveries Don’t Go Forever’

HuffPost: Ex-Labor Secretary Issues Warning About Economy: ‘Recoveries Don’t Go Forever’.

Salon: Here’s what Warren understands about the economy that the Democratic pack does not

Salon: Here’s what Warren understands about the economy that the Democratic pack does not.

Los Angeles Times: Call immigrant detention centers what they really are: concentration camps

Los Angeles Times: Call immigrant detention centers what they really are: concentration camps.

NBC News: 24 immigrants have died in ICE custody during the Trump administration

NBC News: 24 immigrants have died in ICE custody during the Trump administration.

The Guardian: ‘For the NRA, the gig is up’: Eric Swalwell on why gun control is a winning issue

The Guardian: ‘For the NRA, the gig is up’: Eric Swalwell on why gun control is a winning issue.

TechCrunch: Top voting machine maker reverses position on election security, promises paper ballots

TechCrunch: Top voting machine maker reverses position on election security, promises paper ballots.

The Hill: Battle over science roils EPA | TheHill

The Hill: Battle over science roils EPA | TheHill.

The Guardian: Elizabeth Warren’s economic nationalism vision shows there’s a better way

The Guardian: Elizabeth Warren’s economic nationalism vision shows there’s a better way.


Independent views from someone who offers some historical context


Onomatopoetically Speaking - Badda Bing! Badda Boom! ALL OF THIS IS JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION (Backed-up by FACTS!).

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NY Post Multisite

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