Banding together for Peaceful Social Justice for all people.

Archive for October 16, 2019

USA TODAY: Trump says longtime allies the Kurds are ‘not angels,’ says Turkey’s invasion of Syria ‘not our problem’

USA TODAY: Trump says longtime allies the Kurds are ‘not angels,’ says Turkey’s invasion of Syria ‘not our problem’.

CNN: This is how Syria’s 8-year war ends. But there’s nothing to celebrate

CNN: This is how Syria’s 8-year war ends. But there’s nothing to celebrate.

CNN: Erdogan to meet with Pence and Pompeo

CNN: Erdogan to meet with Pence and Pompeo.

ABC News: Trump on Turkey-Syria conflict: ‘That has nothing to do with us’ l ABC News

ABC News: Trump on Turkey-Syria conflict: ‘That has nothing to do with us’ l ABC News.

CNN: Julián Castro: Police violence is also gun violence

CNN: Julián Castro: Police violence is also gun violence.

ABC News: Rudy Giuliani officially refuses congressional subpoena

ABC News: Rudy Giuliani officially refuses congressional subpoena.

CNN: Day after debate, Elizabeth Warren’s campaign says it’s reviewing ‘other revenue options’ for Medicare for All

CNN: Day after debate, Elizabeth Warren’s campaign says it’s reviewing ‘other revenue options’ for Medicare for All.

CNN: Ret. general: Syria pullback looks like an open door to disaster

CNN: Ret. general: Syria pullback looks like an open door to disaster.

CNN: Former State adviser says Pompeo was silent on Yovanovitch ouster

CNN: Former State adviser says Pompeo was silent on Yovanovitch ouster.

TIME: Parents Of Murdered Gay Student Matthew Shepard Criticize AG Barr Over LGBT Rights | TIME

TIME: Parents Of Murdered Gay Student Matthew Shepard Criticize AG Barr Over LGBT Rights | TIME.


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