Banding together for Peaceful Social Justice for all people.

Archive for December 29, 2019

The Hill: Schumer briefed by FBI on anti-Semitic attack in New York | TheHill

The Hill: Schumer briefed by FBI on anti-Semitic attack in New York | TheHill.

NBC News: Authorities use stun gun three times on Florida grandmother on her 70th birthday

NBC News: Authorities use stun gun three times on Florida grandmother on her 70th birthday.

Salon: Jewish Democratic group after anti-Semitic incidents: Trump is not absolved of responsibility

Salon: Jewish Democratic group after anti-Semitic incidents: Trump is not absolved of responsibility.

Forbes: Study: Transgender Children Recognize Their Authentic Gender At Early Age, Just Like Other Kids

Forbes: Study: Transgender Children Recognize Their Authentic Gender At Early Age, Just Like Other Kids.

CBS News: James Lankford on “Face the Nation”: GOP senator says he doesn’t believe Trump is a role model for young people

CBS News: James Lankford on “Face the Nation”: GOP senator says he doesn’t believe Trump is a role model for young people.

The Hill: Giuliani held phone call with Maduro amid Venezuela crisis | TheHill

The Hill: Giuliani held phone call with Maduro amid Venezuela crisis | TheHill.

The Hill: Senate Democrat on impeachment trial: ‘If you have a rigged trial there’s no exoneration in acquittal’ | TheHill

The Hill: Senate Democrat on impeachment trial: ‘If you have a rigged trial there’s no exoneration in acquittal’ | TheHill.

The Hill: Graham: Giuliani should share info he has with intel community to ensure ‘it’s not Russian propaganda’ | TheHill

The Hill: Graham: Giuliani should share info he has with intel community to ensure ‘it’s not Russian propaganda’ | TheHill.

The Hill: Democratic congressman: McConnell is making a ‘mockery of the entire system’ with impeachment approach | TheHill

The Hill: Democratic congressman: McConnell is making a ‘mockery of the entire system’ with impeachment approach | TheHill.

The Daily Beast: Graham: Rudy Should Scrub Evidence for Russian Propaganda

The Daily Beast: Graham: Rudy Should Scrub Evidence for Russian Propaganda.


Independent views from someone who offers some historical context


Onomatopoetically Speaking - Badda Bing! Badda Boom! ALL OF THIS IS JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION (Backed-up by FACTS!).

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