Banding together for Peaceful Social Justice for all people.

Archive for July 24, 2012

Almost Breaking News

   Today being so hot I took the day off and spent it in fount of the fan trying to stay cool or at least trying to. Having nothing to do, except for sweating, I decided to catch up on some of my reading and I happened to come across this article in the Thursday, July 19,2012 edition of The Bay City Times newspaper page A9. Entitled ” Group delivers signatures asking for GOP apology.”

   ” LANSING – A group upset over last month’s silencing of a Democratic lawmaker who said “vagina” during House debate about anti-abortion legislation and another who said “vasectomy” delivered more than 115,000 signatures Wednesday asking for an apology. Members of the Progressive Chance Campaign Committee and Democracy For America brought the signatures to the office of House Speaker Jase Bolger. The signers want GOP leaders to apologize to Reps. Lisa Brown and Barb Byrum after spending their speaking privileges for a day.”

    I am personally very happy about this, having signed the petition myself, and waiting to hear what will happen. For those of you reading this the GOP majority in the Michigan House passed a law making it almost impossible for a woman to obtain an abortion including cases of rape, child molestation, and if the mother’s life was threatened by the pregnancy. Rep. Lisa Brown and Rep. Barb Ryrum did make the comments “vagina” and “vasectomy” during debate on the anti-abortion bill and because they were Women and Democrats suffered the penalty of being silenced. At present Gov. Snyder has asked the House to temporarily put a hold on the bill at least untill after the General Election on November 6th. In my opinion to keep voters from getting riled up against the GOP at least until after the election. But I strongly agree with the stance of the Michigan ACLU who used the slogan ” If you can’t say it don’t legislate it.”

   Hear again I would like to hear from my readers on their openings on this matter. Thanks.


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