Banding together for Peaceful Social Justice for all people.

I have not posted in about a month. The reason escaped me for the weeks since, but I think I have finally figured it out. My mind is stuttering. I have been deeply involved in politics for 25 years now. Most of that time on the radio, but certainly as an activist, a surrogate for many candidates, and a guest speaker at many groups and Union meetings. I have spoken to literally thousands of people over those 25 years and mostly to great success. That was until this year. This year my prognostication skills have been not just tested or bent, but shattered into small pieces. I have been so wrong about national politics and the events that surround them that it has made me a little gun-shy, and please excuse that pun. My ability to clearly see paths for success or troubles for passage have been so clouded by Donald Trump’s candidacy that I began to question my leadership as a pundit and as a Progressive. And, I repeat, I finally figured that my mind was stuttering, badly. What I mean by t

Source: My Stuttering Mind | Eclectablog

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