Banding together for Peaceful Social Justice for all people.

Archive for April 18, 2019

NDTV: Satellite Confirms Key NASA Temperature Data: The Planet Is Warming – and Fast

NDTV: Satellite Confirms Key NASA Temperature Data: The Planet Is Warming – and Fast.

MarketWatch: How climate change could trigger the next financial crisis

MarketWatch: How climate change could trigger the next financial crisis.

Newsweek: David Attenborough: We’re Facing ‘Collapse of Society’

Newsweek: David Attenborough: We’re Facing ‘Collapse of Society’.

ThinkProgress: New York courts prohibit ICE from making arrests inside courthouses

ThinkProgress: New York courts prohibit ICE from making arrests inside courthouses.

CBS News: Legal expert: Mueller report is more complicated than “no collusion, no obstruction”

CBS News: Legal expert: Mueller report is more complicated than “no collusion, no obstruction”.

Bloomberg: Bernie Sanders, 1; Health Insurers, -$30 Billion

Bloomberg: Bernie Sanders, 1; Health Insurers, -$30 Billion.

Reuters: In campaign against gun violence, Columbine students aim to shock with final photos

Reuters: In campaign against gun violence, Columbine students aim to shock with final photos.

ABC News: Deported migrant parents return for their children months after separations

ABC News: Deported migrant parents return for their children months after separations.

Daily Mail: Wise guys: Don Jr and Jared Kushner ‘DID break the law by meeting Kremlin lawyer for dirt on Hillary, but did not know enough to realize their conduct was unlawful,’ states Mueller Report

Daily Mail: Wise guys: Don Jr and Jared Kushner ‘DID break the law by meeting Kremlin lawyer for dirt on Hillary, but did not know enough to realize their conduct was unlawful,’ states Mueller Report.

POLITICO: Biden: Time to ‘take back’ the country

POLITICO: Biden: Time to ‘take back’ the country.


Independent views from someone who offers some historical context


Onomatopoetically Speaking - Badda Bing! Badda Boom! ALL OF THIS IS JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION (Backed-up by FACTS!).

Joseyphina's World

Born to Write, On a Mission to Inspire



Research Posts from a Shadow Bard

Sarcastic in the middle.

NY Post Multisite

Site 1 (unused)

The Diversity of Classic Rock

Classic Rock: More than meets the eye... and ear!

Dr Sanjukta Basu

Personal and political writings by Sanjukta Basu

The Real Truckmaster

Religion, Politics, Military, Humor

Tracy Abell



Chris Sterry expressing views and thoughts on disability issues and other interests.


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