Banding together for Peaceful Social Justice for all people.

Archive for April 30, 2019

The Hill: Alabama bill banning nearly all abortions passes House almost unanimously | TheHill

The Hill: Alabama bill banning nearly all abortions passes House almost unanimously | TheHill.

Mediaite: Lawrence O’Donnell Knocks Fox News’ Clinton Coverage After Maddow Announces Hillary Interview

Mediaite: Lawrence O’Donnell Knocks Fox News’ Clinton Coverage After Maddow Announces Hillary Interview.

The Hill: Trump urges Dem senator to revive bipartisan ObamaCare talks | TheHill

The Hill: Trump urges Dem senator to revive bipartisan ObamaCare talks | TheHill.

The Hill: ‘Medicare for All’ gets boost from first congressional hearing | TheHill

The Hill: ‘Medicare for All’ gets boost from first congressional hearing | TheHill.

USA TODAY: Poway shooting: When a white American attacks, call it by its true name: Terrorism.

USA TODAY: Poway shooting: When a white American attacks, call it by its true name: Terrorism..

HuffPost: Single-Payer Advocate Ady Barkan Shines At Historic ‘Medicare For All’ Hearing

HuffPost: Single-Payer Advocate Ady Barkan Shines At Historic ‘Medicare For All’ Hearing.

The Hill: Dem senator: McConnell turning Senate into ‘very expensive lunch club’ | TheHill

The Hill: Dem senator: McConnell turning Senate into ‘very expensive lunch club’ | TheHill.

NPR: 2 Dead And 4 Injured In Shooting At University Of North Carolina Charlotte Campus

NPR: 2 Dead And 4 Injured In Shooting At University Of North Carolina Charlotte Campus.

CNN: Mueller expressed misgivings to Barr about 4-page letter

CNN: Mueller expressed misgivings to Barr about 4-page letter.

Mayor Pete Assault Accuser: This Was All a ‘Despicable’ Set-Up


Independent views from someone who offers some historical context


Onomatopoetically Speaking - Badda Bing! Badda Boom! ALL OF THIS IS JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION (Backed-up by FACTS!).

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NY Post Multisite

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Tracy Abell



Chris Sterry expressing views and thoughts on disability issues and other interests.


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