Banding together for Peaceful Social Justice for all people.

Archive for July 9, 2019

White House repeatedly blocks ex-aide from answering Judiciary panel questions | TheHill

House Committee to Issue Blitz of Subpoenas, Raising Heat on Trump

House Dems set to subpoena Kushner, Sessions and 10 other Mueller witnesses

USA TODAY: Less than 6 weeks after bloodbath at Virginia Beach, Virginia rejects tougher gun laws

USA TODAY: Less than 6 weeks after bloodbath at Virginia Beach, Virginia rejects tougher gun laws.

CNN: Obamacare’s fate will be at stake at 2020 ballot box as well as in court

CNN: Obamacare’s fate will be at stake at 2020 ballot box as well as in court.

NBC News: Climate change is devastating Central America, driving migrants to the US border

NBC News: Climate change is devastating Central America, driving migrants to the US border.

TIME: Donald Trump Called Climate Change a Hoax. Now He’s Awkwardly Boasting About Fighting It

TIME: Donald Trump Called Climate Change a Hoax. Now He’s Awkwardly Boasting About Fighting It.

Fox News: Meghan McCain chides Joy Behar over her call for Americans not to answer census citizenship question

Fox News: Meghan McCain chides Joy Behar over her call for Americans not to answer census citizenship question.

CNN: Federal judge says DOJ can’t swap out its legal team in census case

CNN: Federal judge says DOJ can’t swap out its legal team in census case.

NBC News: After Epstein fallout, Acosta’s critics warn of ‘troubling’ lack of resources for trafficking victims

NBC News: After Epstein fallout, Acosta’s critics warn of ‘troubling’ lack of resources for trafficking victims.


Independent views from someone who offers some historical context


Onomatopoetically Speaking - Badda Bing! Badda Boom! ALL OF THIS IS JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION (Backed-up by FACTS!).

Joseyphina's World

Born to Write, On a Mission to Inspire



Research Posts from a Shadow Bard

Sarcastic in the middle.

NY Post Multisite

Site 1 (unused)

The Diversity of Classic Rock

Classic Rock: More than meets the eye... and ear!

Dr Sanjukta Basu

Personal and political writings by Sanjukta Basu

The Real Truckmaster

Religion, Politics, Military, Humor

Tracy Abell



Chris Sterry expressing views and thoughts on disability issues and other interests.


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