Banding together for Peaceful Social Justice for all people.

Archive for July 16, 2019

POLITICO: How Trump Broke the Immigration Courts

POLITICO: How Trump Broke the Immigration Courts.

CNN: 70 current and former US border employees connected to Facebook groups with lewd and mocking posts

CNN: 70 current and former US border employees connected to Facebook groups with lewd and mocking posts.

CNN: Barr sides against civil rights officials in declining to bring charges against NYPD officer in Garner case

CNN: Barr sides against civil rights officials in declining to bring charges against NYPD officer in Garner case.

TheHill: McConnell says Trump is not a racist, but calls for better rhetoric

TheHill: McConnell says Trump is not a racist, but calls for better rhetoric.

Newsweek: Migrant Detention Center Inspector Says Children Are Unwashed, Sobbing and Critically Ill

Newsweek: Migrant Detention Center Inspector Says Children Are Unwashed, Sobbing and Critically Ill.

USA TODAY: What first-hand government reports say about conditions at migrant detention centers

USA TODAY: What first-hand government reports say about conditions at migrant detention centers.

USA TODAY: ‘Breaking’ the heat index: US heat waves to skyrocket as globe warms, study suggests

USA TODAY: ‘Breaking’ the heat index: US heat waves to skyrocket as globe warms, study suggests.

USA TODAY: George Conway, husband to Kellyanne Conway, says Trump is a racist

USA TODAY: George Conway, husband to Kellyanne Conway, says Trump is a racist.

USA TODAY: Biden says if Trump mocks his age or mental state in a debate he’d challenge him to a push-up contest

USA TODAY: Biden says if Trump mocks his age or mental state in a debate he’d challenge him to a push-up contest.

Watch “Anderson Cooper: It’s simple … this is who Trump is” on YouTube


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