Banding together for Peaceful Social Justice for all people.

Archive for January 5, 2020

Ana Maria Archila: Trump’s 2020 census policy undermines the process by making it harder to count minorities

Britons reach Africans’ annual carbon emissions in just two weeks | Carbon footprints | The Guardian

Newsweek: Retaliation Will Not Take Long, Russian Senator Warns After Qassem Soleimani Strike

Newsweek: Retaliation Will Not Take Long, Russian Senator Warns After Qassem Soleimani Strike.

Washington Times: ‘Tea Leaves’ story shows Vladimir Putin’s U.S. election reach

Washington Times: ‘Tea Leaves’ story shows Vladimir Putin’s U.S. election reach.

Salon: Exclusive: Anti-Putin activist says Russian government likely scared by Trump’s attack on Iran

Salon: Exclusive: Anti-Putin activist says Russian government likely scared by Trump’s attack on Iran.

Slate: Pentagon Officials Reportedly “Stunned” by Trump’s Decision to Kill Soleimani

Slate: Pentagon Officials Reportedly “Stunned” by Trump’s Decision to Kill Soleimani.

Bloomberg: How the Pentagon Was Duped by Contractors Using Shell Companies

Bloomberg: How the Pentagon Was Duped by Contractors Using Shell Companies.

CBS News: Republican senators and congressmen ask Supreme Court to consider overturning Roe v. Wade

CBS News: Republican senators and congressmen ask Supreme Court to consider overturning Roe v. Wade.

Reuters: Democrats ask U.S. Supreme Court to save Obamacare

Reuters: Democrats ask U.S. Supreme Court to save Obamacare.

CNN: Trump administration urges Supreme Court to allow Louisiana abortion law to go into effect

CNN: Trump administration urges Supreme Court to allow Louisiana abortion law to go into effect.


Independent views from someone who offers some historical context


Onomatopoetically Speaking - Badda Bing! Badda Boom! ALL OF THIS IS JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION (Backed-up by FACTS!).

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Research Posts from a Shadow Bard

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Dr Sanjukta Basu

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The Real Truckmaster

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Tracy Abell



Chris Sterry expressing views and thoughts on disability issues and other interests.


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