Banding together for Peaceful Social Justice for all people.

Archive for January 28, 2020

Salon: Donald Trump and his demons: Why the assault on democracy will get worse

Salon: Donald Trump and his demons: Why the assault on democracy will get worse.

Detroit Free Press: Coronavirus testing comes back negative for 3 of 4 suspected Michigan cases

Detroit Free Press: Coronavirus testing comes back negative for 3 of 4 suspected Michigan cases.

Detroit Free Press: Coronavirus testing expands to Detroit Metro Airport

Detroit Free Press: Coronavirus testing expands to Detroit Metro Airport.

Salon: Welcome to America, where a Detroit man gets the cops called on him for banking while black

Salon: Welcome to America, where a Detroit man gets the cops called on him for banking while black.

CNN: First on CNN: 50 US service members diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries after Iranian missile strike

CNN: First on CNN: 50 US service members diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries after Iranian missile strike.

CNN: An Iranian with a student visa was detained at the Detroit airport. His lawyer says he ‘gave up’ after hours of questioning

CNN: An Iranian with a student visa was detained at the Detroit airport. His lawyer says he ‘gave up’ after hours of questioning.

The Hill: Sanders allies in new uproar over DNC convention appointments | TheHill

The Hill: Sanders allies in new uproar over DNC convention appointments | TheHill.

The Hill: Sanders opens up 15-point lead in New Hampshire: Poll | TheHill

The Hill: Sanders opens up 15-point lead in New Hampshire: Poll | TheHill.

POLITICO: Bloomberg’s rise sets off alarms on the left

POLITICO: Bloomberg’s rise sets off alarms on the left.

CNN: Impeachment trial scenes featuring Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Mitt Romney you can’t see on TV

CNN: Impeachment trial scenes featuring Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Mitt Romney you can’t see on TV.


Independent views from someone who offers some historical context


Onomatopoetically Speaking - Badda Bing! Badda Boom! ALL OF THIS IS JUST MY HUMBLE OPINION (Backed-up by FACTS!).

Joseyphina's World

Born to Write, On a Mission to Inspire



Research Posts from a Shadow Bard

Sarcastic in the middle.

NY Post Multisite

Site 1 (unused)

The Diversity of Classic Rock

Classic Rock: More than meets the eye... and ear!

Dr Sanjukta Basu

Personal and political writings by Sanjukta Basu

The Real Truckmaster

Religion, Politics, Military, Humor

Tracy Abell



Chris Sterry expressing views and thoughts on disability issues and other interests.


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The London Free Press

London, ON News | Local Latest Headlines | Ontario, Canada & World | LFP

On The Fence Voters

Analysis & Discussion For Political Uncertainty

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The True Story About Loreal That The Experts Don't Want You To Know