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Tax Returns

   In the 1967, in response to a  Look magazine reporter’s challenge to actually release his current tax return instead of just filling out a financial disclosure statement, which was commonly used at the time,  George Romney, father of Mitt Romney, former president of American Motors Corp., then current Governor of the State of Michigan, released his tax returns for the previous 12 years just before declaring himself a candidate for the Republican Presidential Race in 1968.

   News reports at the time described the elder Romney’s tax release as ” a move believed to be without president in American politics. ”

   Now fast forward to the current Republican Presidential Nomination and Mitt Romney refusal to release only two years of his tax returns and his wife’s statement on a daytime national television program ” We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life. ” as reported in a recent article in the Wall Street  Journal.

   Now I’ll be the first to admit that I do not know if the Romney’s have or have not got anything to hide by releasing more of their returns. But I also will be the first to admit that Mitt Romney’s refusal to release more  and especially his wife’s statement on national television, and given the growing pressure from his fellow Republicans to comply and release more of his tax returns, can not be a very smart political move in what is all ready described as a close race. It is just fanning the flames of political speculation which coud end up causing him to lose the Presidency race come November 6th.

   I would like to hear from other people out their about their thoughts and opinions on this matter. Any takers ?

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